Secp Services


The impact of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) on businesses

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) is the apex regulator of the corporate sector, capital markets, insurance, non-banking financial institutions, and other financial services in Pakistan. Established in 1999, the SECP has the mandate to protect the interests of investors, promote the development of a modern and efficient corporate sector, and foster a sound and stable financial system.

The SECP performs various functions to achieve its objectives, such as:

– Registering and regulating companies, intermediaries, and securities
– Supervising and enforcing compliance with corporate laws and regulations
– Developing and implementing policies and standards for corporate governance, disclosure, accounting, auditing, and reporting
– Promoting and facilitating the growth and development of capital markets, insurance, and other financial services
– Issuing licenses and authorizations to entities engaged in financial activities
– Conducting investigations and taking enforcement actions against violations and malpractices
– Cooperating and coordinating with other regulators, agencies, and stakeholders at national and international levels
– Providing education and awareness to investors, companies, and the public

The SECP has a significant impact on businesses operating in Pakistan, as it regulates various aspects of their formation, functioning, financing, and reporting. Some of the benefits that businesses can derive from the SECP’s regulatory framework are:

Ease of doing business

Ease of doing business: The SECP has introduced various reforms and initiatives to simplify and streamline the processes of company registration, incorporation, name reservation, filing of statutory returns, payment of fees, etc. The SECP also offers online services through its e-Services portal, which enables businesses to access various facilities from anywhere at any time. The SECP has also integrated its e-Services with other government agencies such as Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), Employees Old Age Benefits Institution (EOBI), Punjab Business Registration Portal, Baluchistan Business Registration Portal and Sindh Business Registration Portal to provide a one-window solution for businesses.

Access to finance

The SECP regulates the capital markets in Pakistan, which provide a platform for businesses to raise funds from a wide range of investors through various instruments such as shares, bonds, mutual funds, etc. The SECP also oversees the development and regulation of other financial services such as insurance, leasing, microfinance, etc., which offer alternative sources of financing for businesses. The SECP also facilitates the issuance of licenses and authorizations to entities engaged in financial activities such as brokers, dealers, investment advisers, asset managers, etc., which enable businesses to access professional advice and services for their financial needs.

Corporate governance

Corporate governance The SECP has developed and implemented policies and standards for corporate governance, which aim to ensure that businesses are managed in a transparent, accountable, ethical, and responsible manner. The SECP also monitors and enforces compliance with corporate laws and regulations by businesses through periodic inspections, audits, reviews, etc. The SECP also provides guidance and assistance to businesses on various aspects of corporate governance such as board composition, directors’ duties, shareholders’ rights, disclosure requirements, etc. The SECP also promotes awareness and education on corporate governance among businesses and stakeholders through seminars, workshops, publications, etc.

Investor protection

Investor protection: The SECP protects the interests of investors who invest in businesses through various means such as securities, insurance policies, mutual funds units, etc. The SECP ensures that businesses provide adequate and timely information to investors regarding their performance, financial position, risks, opportunities, etc. The SECP also ensures that businesses comply with their obligations towards investors such as dividend payments,
redemption of securities,
etc. The SECP also provides a mechanism for investors to lodge complaints against businesses or intermediaries for any grievances or disputes arising from their investments. The SECP also takes enforcement actions against businesses or intermediaries who violate the laws or regulations or engage in fraudulent or unfair practices that harm investors.


In conclusion,
the SECP plays a vital role in regulating and developing the corporate sector,
capital markets,
and other financial services in Pakistan.
The SECP’s regulatory framework provides various benefits to businesses such as ease of doing business,
access to finance,
corporate governance,
and investor protection.
The SECP also strives to enhance its efficiency,
and responsiveness to meet the evolving needs and expectations of businesses,
and the public.