To register a Travel and Tour company in Pakistan, you will need to follow these steps:

Choose a company name

The first step is to choose a unique name for your travel and tour company. The name should not be similar to any other registered company’s name.

Steps for checking name availability in Pakistan for a company:

  • Visit the SECP eServices Portal The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) eServices portal can be accessed at This is the official portal for registering companies in Pakistan.
  • Select Company Name Availability Search On the SECP eServices portal, click on the ‘Company Name Availability Search’ button. This will take you to the next screen.
  • Enter Proposed Name of Company On the next screen, enter the proposed name of your company in the search bar. It is recommended to choose a unique and distinguishable name that is not already in use by another company.
  • Click Search Once you have entered the proposed name of your company, click on the ‘Search’ button. This will initiate the search process to check the availability of the name.
  • View Search Results After the search is completed, a list of results will be displayed on the screen. If the proposed name is available, it will be listed as ‘Available’ under the ‘Name Availability Status’ column. If the name is not available, the search results will display the reason for the name being unavailable.
  • Reserve Company Name If the proposed name of your company is available, you can reserve it by clicking on the ‘Reserve Name’ button. This will initiate the process of reserving the name for your company for a period of 90 days.

Overall, checking the availability of a company name in Pakistan is a simple and straightforward process that can be completed online through the SECP eServices portal. It is important to choose a unique and distinguishable name that is not already in use by another company to avoid any legal issues in the future.

Membership of associations

It is advisable to become a member of the Pakistan Association of Tour Operators (PATO) and/or the Pakistan Tours Operators Association (PTOA). This will give you credibility and help you in networking.

Company registration

You need to register your company with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP). This requires the following documents:

The MOA is a legal document that defines the company’s scope of activities and sets out the objectives for which the company has been formed. It is one of the most important documents that need to be drafted while incorporating a company in Pakistan. Here are the steps for drafting the MOA:

Define the Name and Registered Office of the Company

The first step in drafting the MOA is to define the name and registered office of the company. The name should be unique and not already registered with the SECP. The registered office should be located within Pakistan.

Define the Objectives of the Company

The second step is to define the objectives of the company. The objectives should be clear, concise and specific to avoid any ambiguity. The MOA should also specify the nature of the business activities that the company will undertake.

Define the Share Capital and Liability of the Members

The third step is to define the share capital and liability of the members. This section should specify the number of shares issued, their value and the rights attached to them. It should also specify the liability of the members in case the company is wound up.

The AOA is a document that sets out the rules and regulations governing the internal management and administration of the company. It outlines the rights and duties of the directors, shareholders and other officers of the company. Here are the steps for drafting the AOA:

Define the Shareholders’ Rights and Responsibilities

The first step in drafting the AOA is to define the shareholders’ rights and responsibilities. This section should specify the voting rights of the shareholders, the procedure for conducting meetings, the quorum required and the procedure for passing resolutions.

Define the Directors’ Powers and Duties

The second step is to define the directors’ powers and duties. This section should specify the appointment and removal of directors, their powers and duties, the procedure for conducting board meetings and the quorum required.

Define the Company’s Administrative and Financial Procedures

The third step is to define the company’s administrative and financial procedures. This section should specify the procedure for keeping accounts, preparing financial statements and conducting audit

  • Form A (Declaration of compliance with the Companies Ordinance)

This is the memorandum of association of the company. It sets out the name of the company, its objectives

, and the rights and liabilities of its members.

  • Form 21

This is the notice of situation of registered office of the company. It provides details about the location of the registered office of the company.

  • Copy of CNIC of directors
  • Bank challan for payment of registration fee

Tax registration

After incorporation, you will need to register your company with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) for tax purposes. Following is  a detailed overview of the procedure for registering with the tax authorities in Pakistan:

  • Obtain National Tax Number (NTN) The first step in registering with the tax authorities is to obtain a National Tax Number (NTN) from the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). You can obtain the NTN by submitting an application to the FBR online or through a designated branch of the National Bank of Pakistan.
  • Obtain Sales Tax Registration Number (STRN) If your company is engaged in the supply of goods or services, you will need to obtain a Sales Tax Registration Number (STRN) from the FBR. The STRN can also be obtained through the same process as the NTN.
  • Register for Withholding Tax If your company is required to deduct withholding tax on payments made to suppliers, contractors or employees, you will need to register for withholding tax with the FBR. This can be done online through the FBR’s e-portal or through a designated branch of the National Bank of Pakistan.
  • Register for Provincial Taxes If your company operates in a province that imposes its own taxes such as the Punjab Sales Tax on Services Act, 2012 or the Sindh Sales Tax on Services Act, 2011, you will need to register for these taxes separately. The registration process and requirements may vary depending on the specific tax and the location of your company.

File Tax Returns Once your company is registered with the tax authorities, you will need to file tax returns on a regular basis. The frequency and deadlines for filing tax returns will depend on the type of tax and the location of your company


Tourism license

You also need to obtain a tourism license from the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC). The following documents are required for tourism license:

  • Company registration certificate issued by SECP
  • Bank statement of the company
  • Application form


Get Company Incorporation Forms

Once you have completed these steps and obtained all the necessary licenses and registrations, you can start operating your travel and tour company in Pakistan. It’s important to note that the process and requirements may vary slightly depending on the location of your company and the type of services you offer.