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Taxation of Banking Services in Pakistan

Taxation of banking services in Pakistan is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive understanding of the country’s tax laws and regulations. In this article, we will provide a detailed overview of the taxation of banking services in Pakistan, including definitions, examples, and case studies.

Definition of Banking Services

Banking services refer to the various services provided by banks and financial institutions to their customers. These services include deposit accounts, loans, credit cards, ATM services, wire transfers, foreign exchange services, and other financial services.

Taxation of Banking Services in Pakistan

In Pakistan, banking services are subject to various taxes, including sales tax, income tax, and withholding tax. The following is a brief overview of these taxes.

Sales Tax

Sales tax is a tax levied on the sale of goods and services in Pakistan. Banks and financial institutions are required to pay sales tax on various banking services they provide. The current rate of sales tax on banking services in Pakistan is 17%.

Examples of banking services subject to sales tax in Pakistan include:

Service charges on deposit accounts

Charges on issuance of cheques and drafts

ATM service charges

Charges on issuance of credit cards

Charges on foreign currency transactions

Income Tax

Income tax is a tax levied on the income of individuals, businesses, and corporations in Pakistan. Banks and financial institutions are also required to pay income tax on their taxable income, which is calculated as their total revenue minus their expenses.

The current rate of income tax on banks and financial institutions in Pakistan is 35%.

Withholding Tax

Withholding tax is a tax deducted at source on certain transactions. In Pakistan, banks and financial institutions are required to deduct withholding tax on various transactions they perform on behalf of their customers.

Examples of withholding tax on banking services in Pakistan include:

Withholding tax on profit earned on savings and deposit accounts

Withholding tax on fees and commissions earned by banks on various services

Withholding tax on dividends earned on shares and securities held by banks


Case Studies

Case Study 1: Sales Tax on Banking Services

In 2019, the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) conducted an audit of several banks in Pakistan to verify their compliance with sales tax regulations. The audit found that several banks had not properly accounted for sales tax on various services, including ATM service charges and foreign currency transactions.

As a result, the FBR issued notices to these banks, requiring them to pay the outstanding sales tax and penalties. The banks were also required to improve their record-keeping and compliance procedures to avoid similar issues in the future.

Case Study 2: Withholding Tax on Savings Accounts

In 2020, the government of Pakistan announced an increase in the withholding tax rate on profit earned on savings and deposit accounts. The new rate was set at 10%, up from the previous rate of 7.5%.

This increase was aimed at generating additional revenue for the government and reducing the budget deficit. However, it was criticized by some experts who argued that it would discourage savings and investment, particularly among low-income individuals.



The taxation of banking services in Pakistan is a complex issue that requires banks and financial institutions to carefully navigate the country’s tax laws and regulations. By understanding the various taxes that apply to their services and maintaining proper record-keeping and compliance procedures, banks can avoid penalties and ensure their long-term sustainability.