PSEB stands for the Pakistan Software Export Board, which is a government organization established to promote the software industry in Pakistan. It aims to provide a platform for software companies to showcase their products and services to the international market. In Pakistan, software houses are required to comply with certain obligations if they are registered with the Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB). Some of these obligations are:

  1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Software houses must comply with all applicable laws and regulations in Pakistan, including labor laws, intellectual property laws, and taxes.
  2. Payment of Fees: Software houses may be required to pay fees to the PSEB for the services they receive, such as marketing and promotional activities, training and capacity building, and access to funding opportunities.
  3. Reporting Requirements: Software houses must provide regular reports to the PSEB on their business activities and performance, including their financial and operational data.
  4. Maintenance of Quality Standards: Software houses must maintain high standards of quality in their products and services to ensure customer satisfaction and build their reputation in the international market.
  5. Participation in Promotional Activities: Software houses are encouraged to participate in promotional activities organized by the PSEB, such as trade shows and exhibitions, to showcase their products and services to the international market.
  6. Sharing of Information: Software houses must share information with the PSEB on a regular basis, such as their business plans, marketing strategies, and product development activities.
  7. Cooperation with other Software Houses: Software houses must cooperate with other software houses registered with the PSEB to promote the growth and development of the software industry in Pakistan.

To register a software house with the Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB), the following steps must be followed:

  1. Obtain National Tax Number (NTN): The software house must obtain a National Tax Number (NTN) from the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) in order to register with PSEB.
  2. Register with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP): The software house must register with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) as a private limited company under the Companies Ordinance, 1984.
  3. Apply for PSEB Membership: After obtaining the NTN and registering with the SECP, the software house can apply for PSEB membership by submitting an application form along with the required documents, such as the certificate of incorporation, tax returns, and a business plan.
  4. Approval of Membership: PSEB will review the application and, if approved, will issue a certificate of membership to the software house.
  5. Obtain Trade License: The software house must obtain a trade license from the local government authority in the area where it will operate.
  6. Register with Social Security and Employees Old-Age Benefits Institutions: If the software house employs workers, it must register with the Social Security Institution (SSI) and make contributions towards social security benefits for its employees. It must also register with the Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Institution (EOBI) and make contributions towards old-age benefits for its employees.

Following documents would also be needed to be attached with the form:

  • Registration form completed in all aspects (forms with missing mandatory information will be rejected)
  • Brief business profile on the company letterhead/printed and/or corporate brochure
  • Registration charges
  • Visiting Cards of key personnel (Optional)
  • Business NTN
  • CNIC of all Directors/Shareholders/Partners
  • Passport copy of Directors/Shareholders/Partners (for foreign nationals only)
  • Attested copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association including copy of incorporation certificate (for SECP registered companies only)
  • Attested copy of Partnership deed (for Partnership based firms)
  • Attested copy of Firm registration certificate
  • Business Bank Statement of the preceding six months