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Taxation of Stock Brokerage Services in Pakistan

In Pakistan, stock brokerage services are subject to taxation under the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. The taxation of stock brokerage services is important because it generates revenue for the government, and it also affects the profitability of brokerage firms.

Definition of Stock Brokerage Services:

Stock brokerage services refer to the activities of buying and selling securities on behalf of clients. Stockbrokers facilitate the buying and selling of securities by providing a platform for investors to transact in the stock market. They earn a commission for their services, which is usually a percentage of the value of the securities traded.

Taxation of Stock Brokerage Services:

In Pakistan, stock brokerage services are subject to taxation under the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. The taxation of stock brokerage services is based on the commission earned by the broker. The commission earned by the broker is considered as income, and it is subject to income tax.

The tax rate on stock brokerage services is determined based on the type of broker. There are two types of brokers in Pakistan:

Individual Broker

Corporate Broker


Individual Broker:

An individual broker is a natural person who provides stock brokerage services. The tax rate on the commission earned by an individual broker is based on the following slabs:

Up to Rs. 1,200,000 – 0%

Above Rs. 1,200,000 and up to Rs. 2,400,000 – 2%

Above Rs. 2,400,000 and up to Rs. 4,800,000 – 4%

Above Rs. 4,800,000 and up to Rs. 7,200,000 – 6%

Above Rs. 7,200,000 and up to Rs. 11,520,000 – 8%

Above Rs. 11,520,000 – 10%

Corporate Broker:

A corporate broker is a company that provides stock brokerage services. The tax rate on the commission earned by a corporate broker is 35%.


Suppose a stockbroker earns a commission of Rs. 2,000,000 in a year. The tax on the commission earned by an individual broker would be calculated as follows:

Tax = (0% x Rs. 1,200,000) + (2% x (Rs. 2,000,000 – Rs. 1,200,000)) = Rs. 16,000

Case Studies:

XYZ Brokerage Firm is an individual broker. In the financial year 2022, it earned a commission of Rs. 3,500,000. Calculate the tax payable by the firm.

Tax = (0% x Rs. 1,200,000) + (2% x (Rs. 2,400,000 – Rs. 1,200,000)) + (4% x (Rs. 3,500,000 – Rs. 2,400,000)) = Rs. 50,000

Therefore, the tax payable by XYZ Brokerage Firm is Rs. 50,000.

ABC Securities is a corporate broker. In the financial year 2022, it earned a commission of Rs. 5,000,000. Calculate the tax payable by the firm.

Tax = 35% x Rs. 5,000,000 = Rs. 1,750,000

Therefore, the tax payable by ABC Securities is Rs. 1,750,000.



In conclusion, the taxation of stock brokerage services in Pakistan is based on the commission earned by the broker. The tax rate on stock brokerage services is determined based on the type of broker. Individual brokers are taxed based on a slab system, while corporate brokers are subject to a flat tax rate of 35%. The taxation of stock brokerage services is important because it generates revenue for the government, and it also affects the profitability of brokerage firms. It is important for individuals and companies engaged in stock brokerage services to understand the tax implications of their activities and to comply with the relevant tax laws and regulations.

In addition to income tax, stock brokerage firms may also be subject to other taxes such as sales tax, capital gains tax, and stamp duty. Sales tax is charged on the commission earned by the broker, while capital gains tax is charged on the profits earned from the sale of securities. Stamp duty is charged on the transfer of securities.

It is important for individuals and companies engaged in stock brokerage services to keep accurate records of their transactions and to maintain proper documentation. This will help them to accurately calculate their tax liability and to comply with the relevant tax laws and regulations.

Overall, the taxation of stock brokerage services in Pakistan is an important aspect of the financial sector. It ensures that the government is able to generate revenue, and it also helps to regulate the activities of stock brokerage firms. By complying with the relevant tax laws and regulations, individuals and companies engaged in stock brokerage services can ensure that they are operating in a legally compliant and sustainable manner.