Integrated Risk Information System-IRIS

Integrated Risk Information System-IRIS

Stands for Integrated Risk Information System, is a tax filing and processing system used by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) in Pakistan. It is an online portal where taxpayers can manage various tax-related activities, such as submitting tax returns, responding to tax notices, filing sales tax returns, and handling other tax compliance tasks. IRIS aims to streamline and automate tax processes, making it easier for individuals and businesses in Pakistan to fulfill their tax obligations efficiently and securely. The system has undergone upgrades over time, with the latest being IRIS 2.0, which offers enhanced features and a more user-friendly interface.

Introduction to IRIS 2.0

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) in Pakistan has recently taken a significant leap in enhancing its tax administration system with the introduction of IRIS 2.0. Developed by Pakistan Revenue Automation Limited (PRAL), this upgraded version of the tax filing system was launched at FBR Headquarters, Islamabad, on July 27, 2023. This development marks a milestone in Pakistan’s tax administration, offering a blend of improved user experience and enhanced efficiency. 

Background: The Genesis of IRIS

IRIS stands for Integrated Risk Information System. It is an online portal used extensively by individuals and businesses in Pakistan for various tax-related purposes. The original system, IRIS 1.0, and its successor, IRIS 1.1, were pioneering efforts but encountered challenges impacting performance and user satisfaction. These challenges included technical issues, a complex user interface, data accuracy concerns, connectivity problems, a lack of user training, and security concerns regarding sensitive financial information​​.

The Transition to IRIS 2.0: New Updates and Enhancements

IRIS 2.0 represents a major transformation from its predecessors. It focuses on robust backend enhancements and an intuitive frontend design, ensuring a seamless experience for users and the FBR. This upgrade is expected to significantly reduce hardware expenditures for the FBR while enhancing the efficiency of its tax filing operations​​.

Features of IRIS 2.0

Enhanced User Experience:

A primary goal of IRIS 2.0 is to elevate user satisfaction by providing a more user-friendly interface and flawless experience​​.

Cost Efficiency:

The new system brings a major reduction in hardware expenditures, especially during peak loads​​.

Advanced Backend and Frontend:

The backend enhancements and new frontend design are tailored to meet modern demands​​.

Comprehensive Tax Services: IRIS 2.0 facilitates various services like submitting online tax returns, responding to tax notices, filing monthly sales tax returns, and much more​​.

Benefits of IRIS 2.0

Improved Accessibility and Efficiency: The new system addresses previous issues like slow response times and server errors, ensuring better accessibility during peak tax filing periods.

Data Integration and Automation: IRIS 2.0 integrates data from various sources, automating several tax activities for better efficiency in tax administration​​.

Enhanced Communication: It enables effective communication between taxpayers and the FBR, addressing tax-related queries and concerns​​.

User-Friendly Approach

With an emphasis on user satisfaction, IRIS 2.0 is designed to be more intuitive and easier to navigate. The system’s improved user interface is a significant step forward in making tax filing and compliance more accessible and less daunting for taxpayers.

Steps to get your self registered Income tax 

To register as a new user on the Iris portal, follow these steps:

Access the Registration Page: Visit the website irisv1.fbr.gov.pk.

Enter Your CNIC Number: Provide your CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) number in the designated field.

Complete the Mobile Number Verification: Enter your mobile number. You will receive a verification code on this number.

Email Address Entry: Input your email address. A verification code will also be sent to your email.

Create a Password: Choose a strong password for your account.

Submit Your Registration: After filling in all the required information, submit your registration form.

Please ensure you have access to the mobile number and email address you provide, as they are crucial for account verification and communication. 

Conclusion: A Step Towards a Modern Tax System

IRIS 2.0 is indicative of the FBR and PRAL’s commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology for improved service delivery. The vision of the Chairman of the FBR, Mr. Asim Ahmad, is reflected in this upgrade – transforming the FBR into a modern, technology-driven, and efficient organization. This advancement is not just a technological upgrade but a stride towards better service for the nation.

For further knowledge you can visit FBR  

For Tax filling and Other Tax related issues you can contact us