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How to change the registered office address of a company in Pakistan?


Changing the registered office address of a company in Pakistan is a common occurrence that may arise due to various reasons, such as relocation or expansion of business operations. It is important to update the registered office address with the relevant authorities to ensure legal compliance and effective communication. This article provides a detailed guide on how to change the registered office address of a company in Pakistan, including definitions, examples, case studies, and a conclusion.



Registered Office:

The registered office of a company is the official address where all legal documents, notices, and correspondence are sent by the regulatory authorities, government agencies, and other stakeholders. It is the address registered with the relevant authority during the company registration process.

Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP):

The SECP is the regulatory body responsible for the incorporation, regulation, and supervision of companies in Pakistan. It is the authority to which changes in the registered office address must be reported.


Steps to Change the Registered Office Address of a Company in Pakistan:

Board Resolution:

Hold a board meeting and pass a resolution to change the registered office address. The resolution should be properly documented and signed by the directors of the company. It should include the new address and any other relevant details.

Shareholder Approval:

If required by the company’s Articles of Association, obtain approval from the shareholders through an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to change the registered office address. The resolution passed by the shareholders should be duly documented.

Notification to the SECP:

Prepare the necessary documents, including a covering letter and the board resolution or shareholder approval, to notify the SECP about the change in the registered office address. These documents should be submitted to the SECP within the specified timeframe, typically within 14 days of the change.


Publish a notice in at least one English and one Urdu newspaper circulating in the area where the registered office is located. The notice should state the old and new address of the company and the effective date of the change. Keep copies of the published notices as proof.

Change in Memorandum and Articles of Association:

Update the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company to reflect the new registered office address. This requires drafting and filing the necessary amendments with the SECP.

Update Other Authorities and Documentation:

Inform other relevant authorities, such as tax authorities, banks, and licensing authorities, about the change in the registered office address. Update any documentation, licenses, permits, or certificates with the new address.

Update Company Stationery and Website:

Update the company’s letterheads, business cards, official website, and any other promotional or communication materials to reflect the new registered office address.



Change in Registered Office Address Example:

ABC Pvt. Ltd., a company operating in Lahore, decides to change its registered office address due to relocation. The company holds a board meeting, passes a resolution, obtains shareholder approval, and notifies the SECP about the change. They publish the required advertisements, update the Memorandum and Articles of Association, inform other authorities, and update company stationery and website to reflect the new address.

Change in Registered Office Address for Expansion Example:

XYZ Enterprises, a company in Karachi, decides to expand its operations and establishes a branch office in Islamabad. They pass a board resolution, obtain shareholder approval, and notify the SECP about the new branch office address. They publish the required advertisements, update the Memorandum and Articles of Association, inform other authorities, and update company stationery and website to reflect the additional registered office address.


Case Studies:

Registered Office Address Change Case Study: PQR Manufacturing Ltd.

PQR Manufacturing Ltd., a company in Faisalabad, decides to change its registered office address to a more prominent location in the city. The board passes a resolution, obtains shareholder approval, and notifies the SECP about the change. They publish the required advertisements in local newspapers, update the Memorandum and Articles of Association, inform tax authorities and banks, and update company stationery and website to reflect the new address.

Branch Office Registered Office Address Change Case Study: LMN Retail Ltd.

LMN Retail Ltd., a company with its registered office in Lahore, establishes a branch office in Peshawar. The company follows the necessary procedures to change the registered office address for the new branch office. They hold board meetings, obtain shareholder approval, notify the SECP, publish advertisements, update the Memorandum and Articles of Association, inform relevant authorities, and update company stationery and website to reflect both the Lahore and Peshawar addresses.



Changing the registered office address of a company in Pakistan requires following a structured process to ensure compliance with legal requirements and effective communication. By adhering to the steps outlined above, companies can update their registered office address and maintain transparency with regulatory authorities, shareholders, and other stakeholders. It is essential to complete all necessary documentation, notifications, and updates to avoid any legal complications and ensure a smooth transition to the new registered office address.