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Taxation of Legal Services in Pakistan

Taxation of legal services in Pakistan is a complex and evolving topic. In general, legal services are subject to sales tax and income tax, and there are also other taxes that may apply depending on the nature of the legal services provided. In this article, we will provide a detailed overview of the taxation of legal services in Pakistan, including definitions, examples, and case studies.

Sales Tax on Legal Services

Sales tax is a tax on the provision of goods and services. In Pakistan, sales tax is levied at a standard rate of 17% on most goods and services, including legal services. Legal services are considered to be a service and are therefore subject to sales tax.

Legal services are defined as any service provided by a lawyer, barrister, solicitor, or advocate, including advice, consultancy, and representation in any legal matter. This includes services related to civil and criminal law, corporate law, tax law, intellectual property law, and other areas of law.

Example: A lawyer provides legal services to a client in a civil litigation matter. The lawyer charges a fee of Rs. 100,000 for the services rendered. The sales tax on these services would be calculated as follows:

Sales Tax = (100,000 x 17%) = Rs. 17,000

Income Tax on Legal Services

Income tax is a tax on income earned by individuals and businesses. In Pakistan, income tax is levied on the income of lawyers, barristers, solicitors, and advocates, including income earned from the provision of legal services.

Legal services income is subject to income tax at the applicable rates, which vary depending on the income bracket. For the tax year 2021, the income tax rates for individuals are as follows:

Income up to Rs. 1,200,000: 0%

Income from Rs. 1,200,001 to Rs. 2,400,000: 5%

Income from Rs. 2,400,001 to Rs. 4,800,000: 10%

Income from Rs. 4,800,001 to Rs. 7,200,000: 15%

Income from Rs. 7,200,001 to Rs. 10,000,000: 20%

Income above Rs. 10,000,000: 25%

Example: A lawyer earns Rs. 3,000,000 in income from the provision of legal services in a tax year. The income tax on this income would be calculated as follows:

Income up to Rs. 1,200,000: 0%

Income from Rs. 1,200,001 to Rs. 2,400,000: (1,200,000 x 5%) = Rs. 60,000

Income from Rs. 2,400,001 to Rs. 3,000,000: (600,000 x 10%) = Rs. 60,000

Total Income Tax = Rs. 120,000


Other Taxes on Legal Services

Apart from sales tax and income tax, there are other taxes that may apply to legal services in Pakistan, depending on the nature of the services provided.

For example, if a lawyer provides services related to the transfer of immovable property, such as drafting and registering a sale deed, stamp duty may be applicable. Stamp duty is a tax on documents that are used to transfer property, and the rate varies depending on the value of the property.

Similarly, if a lawyer provides services related to the formation and registration of a company, registration fees may be applicable. Registration fees are a fee charged by the relevant regulatory authority for registering a company, and the rate varies depending on the authorized share capital of the company.


Case Study: Saleem & Co.

Saleem & Co. is a law firm based in Karachi that provides legal services to individuals and businesses. The firm has 10 lawyers and earns revenue of Rs. 50 million annually from the provision of legal services.

Sales Tax: As a provider of legal services, Saleem & Co. is required to charge and collect sales tax on its services. In the tax year 2021, the firm charged Rs. 8.5 million in sales tax on the legal services it provided.

Income Tax: The 10 lawyers at Saleem & Co. earn varying amounts of income from the provision of legal services. In the tax year 2021, the firm’s total income from legal services was Rs. 50 million. The income tax payable by the firm would depend on the income earned by each individual lawyer and their respective tax brackets.

Other Taxes: Saleem & Co. provides a range of legal services, including services related to property transfers and company registrations. Depending on the nature of these services, stamp duty and registration fees may also be applicable.



The taxation of legal services in Pakistan is a complex topic, and the applicable taxes may vary depending on the nature of the services provided. Legal service providers should ensure that they are aware of their tax obligations and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. It is recommended that legal service providers consult with a tax professional to ensure that they are compliant with all applicable tax laws and regulations.