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Taxation of Real Estate Businesses in Pakistan

Real estate businesses in Pakistan are subject to various taxes and regulations imposed by the federal and provincial governments. This article aims to provide an overview of the taxation of real estate businesses in Pakistan, including definitions and examples.


Before discussing the taxation of real estate businesses in Pakistan, it is essential to understand the following terms and their definitions:

Real Estate: It refers to immovable property, such as land and buildings, including any natural resources, such as crops or minerals that are part of the land.

Real Estate Business: It refers to any business or activity that involves the buying, selling, renting, leasing, or development of real estate properties.


Taxation of Real Estate Businesses in Pakistan

Real estate businesses in Pakistan are subject to various taxes, including income tax, sales tax, and capital gains tax. Let’s discuss each tax in detail.

Income Tax

Income tax is a tax on income earned by individuals and businesses in Pakistan. Real estate businesses are also subject to income tax on their net income, which is calculated by deducting allowable expenses from their gross income. The income tax rates for real estate businesses depend on their legal status, i.e., whether they are a company or a sole proprietor.

For companies, the income tax rate is 29% of their taxable income, while for sole proprietors, the income tax rate varies depending on their income slab. For instance, if a sole proprietor’s annual income is between PKR 600,001 and PKR 1,200,000, the income tax rate is 2% of their taxable income.

Sales Tax

Sales tax is a tax on the sale of goods and services in Pakistan. Real estate businesses are subject to sales tax on the sale of constructed buildings, plots, and land development projects. The sales tax rate for real estate businesses is 17% of the sales price, and it is collected from the buyer at the time of sale.

However, if the real estate business is engaged in the construction of buildings, the sales tax rate is different. For instance, the sales tax rate for the construction of commercial buildings is 2% of the construction cost, while the sales tax rate for the construction of residential buildings is 1% of the construction cost.

Capital Gains Tax

Capital gains tax is a tax on the gain or profit realized from the sale of capital assets, such as real estate properties. Real estate businesses in Pakistan are subject to capital gains tax on the sale of immovable properties, including land, buildings, and constructed properties. The capital gains tax rate for real estate businesses depends on the holding period of the property.

If the holding period of the property is less than one year, the capital gains tax rate is 25% of the gain realized from the sale. If the holding period is between one and two years, the capital gains tax rate is 20% of the gain realized from the sale. If the holding period is more than two years, the capital gains tax rate is 10% of the gain realized from the sale.



Let’s consider an example to better understand the taxation of real estate businesses in Pakistan.

Suppose a real estate company sells a commercial building for PKR 10,000,000. The company’s total expenses for the building, including construction costs and other expenses, amount to PKR 8,000,000. The company’s net income from the sale is, therefore, PKR 2,000,000.

The company’s income tax rate is 29% of its taxable income, which is PKR 2,000,000. Therefore, the company’s income tax liability is PKR 580,000.

The sales tax rate for the sale of commercial buildings is 2% of the construction cost. If the construction cost of the building is PKR 6,000,000, the sales tax liability of the real estate company is PKR 120,000.

Lastly, the capital gains tax rate for the sale of commercial property held for more than two years is 10% of the gain realized from the sale. If the real estate company purchased the building for PKR 7,000,000 and held it for three years before selling it for PKR 10,000,000, the gain realized from the sale is PKR 3,000,000. The capital gains tax liability of the real estate company, therefore, is PKR 300,000.



In conclusion, real estate businesses in Pakistan are subject to various taxes, including income tax, sales tax, and capital gains tax. The tax rates for each tax depend on the legal status of the real estate business, the type of property being sold, and the holding period of the property. Real estate businesses must comply with all tax regulations and file their tax returns on time to avoid any penalties or legal actions.