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Taxation of Consulting Services in Pakistan

Taxation of consulting services in Pakistan is governed by the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, and the Sales Tax Act, 1990. Consulting services are generally subject to income tax and sales tax in Pakistan. In this article, we will discuss the taxation of consulting services in Pakistan in detail, including definitions, examples, and case studies.

Definition of Consulting Services in Pakistan

Consulting services in Pakistan refer to the provision of expert advice and assistance to clients on various matters related to their business or personal affairs. These services may include financial consulting, management consulting, legal consulting, tax consulting, engineering consulting, and other related services.

Consulting services can be provided by individuals, partnerships, and companies. The fees charged for consulting services are usually based on the time spent on the project, the complexity of the work involved, and the expertise of the consultant.

Income Tax on Consulting Services in Pakistan

Consulting services are subject to income tax in Pakistan. The income tax rate varies depending on the type of entity providing the services. For individuals and partnerships, the income tax rate for consulting services is based on their personal income tax rate. For companies, the income tax rate for consulting services is 29%.

In Pakistan, consulting services are categorized as professional income. Professional income is subject to income tax at a higher rate compared to business income. However, the tax rate for professional income is lower for individuals and partnerships as compared to companies.

Consulting services provided by foreign consultants in Pakistan are also subject to income tax. The income tax rate for foreign consultants is 10% of the gross amount paid to them. This tax is withheld by the payer of the consulting services.


Mr. Ali is a tax consultant who provides tax consulting services to various clients. He charges a fee of Rs. 100,000 for his services. He is an individual taxpayer and falls under the tax bracket of 20%. Therefore, his income tax liability on his consulting services will be Rs. 20,000 (20% of Rs. 100,000).

Sales Tax on Consulting Services in Pakistan

Sales tax is also applicable to consulting services in Pakistan. Consulting services are classified as taxable services under the Sales Tax Act, 1990. The sales tax rate on consulting services is currently 17% in Pakistan.

Sales tax on consulting services is levied on the value of services provided by the consultant. This value includes the fee charged for the consulting services and any expenses incurred by the consultant in providing the services.

In Pakistan, businesses providing taxable services are required to be registered with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) for sales tax purposes. Registered businesses are required to collect and remit sales tax on behalf of the government.


ABC Consulting Pvt. Ltd. is a consulting company that provides management consulting services to various clients. The company charges a fee of Rs. 500,000 for its services. The expenses incurred by the company in providing the services are Rs. 100,000. Therefore, the value of services provided by the company is Rs. 600,000. The sales tax liability on the consulting services will be Rs. 102,000 (17% of Rs. 600,000).

Case Study:

ABC Company is a management consulting firm that provides consulting services to various clients. The company charges a fee of Rs. 1,000,000 for its services. The company incurred expenses of Rs. 200,000 in providing the services. The company is a registered sales tax payer.

The sales tax liability of the company will be Rs. 170,000 (17% of Rs. 1,000,000). The company is also required to file an income tax return and pay income tax on its consulting services at a rate of 29%. The income tax liability of the company on its consulting services will be Rs. 290,000 (29% of Rs. 800,000, which is the income after deducting the expenses from the fees charged). Therefore, the total tax liability of the company on its consulting services will be Rs. 460,000 (Rs. 170,000 + Rs. 290,000).



In conclusion, consulting services in Pakistan are subject to income tax and sales tax. The income tax rate for consulting services varies depending on the type of entity providing the services, while the sales tax rate is 17% for all consulting services. Consulting services provided by foreign consultants in Pakistan are also subject to income tax. Businesses providing taxable services are required to be registered with the FBR for sales tax purposes and to collect and remit sales tax on behalf of the government.

It is important for consultants and businesses providing consulting services to understand their tax obligations and to comply with the tax laws in Pakistan. Failure to comply with the tax laws can result in penalties and fines. Seeking the advice of a tax professional can be helpful in ensuring compliance and minimizing tax liabilities.