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How to register a non-profit organization (NPO) in Pakistan?


Establishing a non-profit organization (NPO) in Pakistan requires following a specific registration process. NPOs play a crucial role in addressing social issues, promoting charitable activities, and working towards the betterment of society.


Non-Profit Organization (NPO): An organization that operates for purposes other than generating profit for its members or owners. NPOs focus on activities that serve the public or a specific cause, such as charitable, educational, or social welfare endeavors.


Registering a Non-Profit Organization in Pakistan:

Select the Legal Structure:

Choose a suitable legal structure for your NPO. The options in Pakistan include Trust, Society, and Section 42 Company Limited by Guarantee. Each structure has its own requirements and advantages, so it’s essential to carefully consider the purpose and long-term goals of the organization.

Develop a Constitution:

Prepare a constitution that outlines the organization’s objectives, governance structure, membership rules, decision-making processes, and dissolution procedures. The constitution serves as the guiding document for the NPO’s operations and must comply with local laws and regulations.

Formulate a Board of Governors/Trustees:

Appoint a board of governors or trustees responsible for overseeing the organization’s activities. The board should consist of individuals who are committed to the NPO’s mission and possess the necessary skills and expertise.

Choose a Name:

Select a unique and meaningful name for your NPO. Ensure that the name reflects the organization’s purpose and is not already registered by another entity. Consult the relevant authorities, such as the Registrar of Societies or the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), to confirm the availability of the chosen name.

Registration Process:

  1. Trust: Submit the required documents, including the constitution, list of trustees, and application form, to the local Deputy Commissioner’s office or the relevant provincial Registrar of Trusts.
  2. Society: Submit the necessary documents, including the constitution, list of members, and application form, to the Registrar of Societies in the respective province.
  3. Section 42 Company Limited by Guarantee: Submit the required documents, including the constitution, list of directors, and application form, to the SECP.

Obtain Necessary Approvals:

Depending on the nature of the NPO’s activities, additional approvals may be required from government departments or regulatory bodies. For example, if the organization plans to work in the education sector, approval from the relevant education authority may be necessary.

Tax Registration:

After obtaining the registration certificate, register the NPO with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) for tax purposes. Non-profit organizations are eligible for tax exemptions, subject to fulfilling certain conditions specified by the FBR.



The XYZ Education Trust is a registered NPO in Pakistan. It was established to provide quality education to underprivileged children in rural areas. The trust follows a transparent governance structure and has successfully registered with the local Deputy Commissioner’s office as a trust entity.

The ABC Welfare Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing healthcare services to marginalized communities. It registered as a society with the Registrar of Societies, adhering to the requirements outlined in the Societies Registration Act.


Case Studies:

Case Study 1: The PQR Foundation aimed to address environmental issues through tree plantation and awareness campaigns. However, their registration application was rejected due to incomplete documentation. After rectifying the deficiencies, they reapplied and successfully obtained registration as a trust.

Case Study 2: The LMN Humanitarian Society faced delays in their registration process due to a backlog at the Registrar of Societies. As a result, their planned activities and fundraising efforts were put on hold until the registration was completed, leading to a loss of potential funding opportunities.



Registering a non-profit organization in Pakistan involves careful planning, documentation, and compliance with legal requirements. By following the step-by-step process, selecting the appropriate legal structure, and meeting the necessary approvals, NPOs can establish themselves as credible and effective entities. Registering an NPO ensures transparency, accountability, and legal recognition, allowing organizations to pursue their noble objectives and make a positive impact on society.