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How to register a microfinance company in Pakistan?


Microfinance companies play a vital role in providing financial services to the unbanked and underserved populations in developing countries. Pakistan, with its large unbanked population, offers an excellent opportunity for individuals and organizations to establish microfinance institutions.



Microfinance refers to the provision of financial services, such as credit, savings, insurance, and remittances, to low-income individuals or small businesses who lack access to traditional banking services.

Microfinance Company:

A microfinance company is a financial institution that specializes in providing microfinance services to underserved and marginalized communities. These companies typically offer small loans, savings accounts, and other financial products tailored to the needs of low-income individuals.


Tameer Microfinance Bank:

Tameer Bank is one of the leading microfinance institutions in Pakistan. Established in 2005, it provides financial services to individuals and small businesses through a network of branches across the country.

Kashf Foundation:

Kashf Foundation is a prominent microfinance institution in Pakistan. It focuses on empowering women through microfinance, offering small loans and financial literacy programs to help women start and expand their businesses.

Case Studies:


Akhuwat is a renowned microfinance organization in Pakistan that operates on the principles of interest-free lending. It provides interest-free loans to low-income individuals and has successfully uplifted numerous families from poverty by enabling them to establish sustainable livelihoods.

NRSP Microfinance Bank:

NRSP Bank is a microfinance institution that primarily operates in rural areas of Pakistan. By offering financial products and services tailored to the needs of rural communities, NRSP Bank has played a significant role in poverty reduction and economic development in those regions.

Process of Registering a Microfinance Company in Pakistan:

Feasibility Study:

Conduct a thorough feasibility study to assess the demand, competition, and potential target market for your microfinance company. This step helps in determining the viability and sustainability of the business.


Register the microfinance company as a legal entity with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP). Prepare the necessary documentation, including the company’s memorandum and articles of association, financial projections, and the management team’s profile.

Capital Requirement:

Ensure compliance with the minimum capital requirement specified by the SECP. The capital requirement varies depending on the type and category of microfinance company you intend to establish.

Licensing and Approval:

Apply for a license from the SECP to operate as a microfinance company. Submit the required documents, including the business plan, financial projections, and information on the proposed operations and governance structure.

Due Diligence:

The SECP will conduct a due diligence process, which involves assessing the credibility, integrity, and financial soundness of the applicants. This step ensures that only qualified and capable entities are granted licenses.

Regulatory Compliance:

Comply with the regulatory framework set by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) for microfinance institutions. This includes maintaining adequate capital adequacy ratios, submitting regular financial and operational reports, and adhering to anti-money laundering and consumer protection regulations.


Establishing a microfinance company in Pakistan requires careful planning, compliance with regulatory requirements, and a deep understanding of the target market. By registering a microfinance company, individuals and organizations can contribute to poverty alleviation, financial inclusion, and economic development. The examples and case studies mentioned in this guide highlight the success stories of existing microfinance institutions, demonstrating the positive impact such entities can have on society. As Pakistan continues to work towards enhancing financial inclusion, microfinance companies have a crucial role to play in building a more inclusive and sustainable financial system.