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How to register a fashion company in Pakistan?


Registering a fashion company in Pakistan is an essential step towards establishing a legal and recognized business entity in the country. This process ensures compliance with the regulatory framework and provides the necessary legal protection and benefits.



Fashion Company: A fashion company refers to a business entity engaged in the design, production, distribution, or retail of clothing, accessories, and related fashion products.

Business Structure: It refers to the legal form or organization under which a fashion company operates. Common business structures include sole proprietorship, partnership, and private limited company.



To register a fashion company in Pakistan, follow these steps:

Choose a Business Name: Select a unique and appropriate name for your fashion company.

Decide on Business Structure: Determine the legal structure for your business, such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or private limited company.

Register with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP): Submit the required documents to the SECP, including the application for incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association, and identity proofs of the directors.

Pay Registration Fees: Pay the prescribed registration fees to the SECP.

Obtain Certificate of Incorporation: Upon approval, the SECP will issue a Certificate of Incorporation, which establishes the legal existence of your fashion company.

Obtain National Tax Number (NTN): Register for an NTN with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to fulfill tax obligations.

Register for Sales Tax: If your fashion company meets the sales tax threshold, register for sales tax with the FBR.

Open a Bank Account: Open a business bank account in the name of your fashion company.

Register with the Provincial Employees’ Social Security Institution (PESSI) and Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Institution (EOBI): If you plan to hire employees, register with PESSI and EOBI to provide social security and retirement benefits to your staff.

Comply with Labor Laws: Ensure compliance with labor laws, including obtaining necessary permits, adhering to minimum wage requirements, and maintaining proper employment contracts.

Protect Intellectual Property: If you have unique designs or brand names, consider registering for trademark protection with the Intellectual Property Organization (IPO) of Pakistan.

Obtain Local Licenses and Permits: Check if your fashion company requires any local licenses or permits from municipal or provincial authorities, such as trade licenses or health and safety permits.



To illustrate the registration process, let’s consider the following examples:

Example 1: ABC Fashion House is a startup fashion brand specializing in high-end women’s clothing. They want to register their business in Pakistan to gain legal recognition and establish a strong foundation.

Example 2: XYZ Accessories is an established fashion company that designs and manufactures jewelry and handbags. They are planning to expand their operations in Pakistan and need to register as a foreign company.


Case Studies:

Case Study 1: ABC Fashion House

Name Availability Check: ABC Fashion House starts by conducting a name availability check with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP). They ensure that the chosen business name is unique and not already registered.

Business Structure Selection: After confirming name availability, ABC Fashion House decides to register as a private limited company to ensure limited liability and separate legal identity.

Memorandum and Articles of Association: They prepare the Memorandum and Articles of Association, which outline the company’s objectives, internal regulations, and shareholding structure.

Application Submission: ABC Fashion House completes the necessary forms and documentation, including the application for incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association, and identity proofs of the directors.

Payment of Fees: They pay the prescribed registration fees to the SECP along with the required documents.

SECP Review: The SECP reviews the application and documents submitted by ABC Fashion House. If everything is in order, they issue a Certificate of Incorporation and a National Tax Number (NTN).

Case Study 2: XYZ Accessories

Business Structure Consideration: XYZ Accessories, an international fashion company, decides to register as a foreign company in Pakistan to expand its operations. They consult with legal advisors to understand the legal requirements and implications.

Appointment of Local Representative: XYZ Accessories appoints a local representative or agent who will act as a liaison between the company and Pakistani authorities.

Documentation: They gather the necessary documents, including the company’s incorporation certificate from the home country, Board of Directors resolution, power of attorney for the local representative, and other relevant paperwork.

Application Submission: XYZ Accessories submits the required documents to the SECP, along with the application for registration as a foreign company.

Compliance with Local Laws: They ensure compliance with local laws, such as labor regulations, tax requirements, and intellectual property rights.

SECP Approval: The SECP reviews the application and supporting documents. Upon approval, they issue a Certificate of Registration as a foreign company.



Registering a fashion company in Pakistan involves several important steps, including name availability check, selection of business structure, preparation of necessary documents, submission of applications, and payment of fees. By completing the registration process, fashion companies can establish a legal identity, gain access to various benefits, and operate in compliance with the regulatory framework. It is advisable to seek professional guidance and consult legal experts to ensure a smooth and successful registration process.